As a PHP developer, you must have heard of Laravel - one of the most popular and widely-used PHP frameworks out there. And if you have been following the latest trends in the PHP community, you must be aware of the buzz around the latest version of Laravel - Laravel 8.

Released on September 8th, 2020, Laravel 8 has been making waves in the PHP community with its new features, improvements, and enhancements. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at what makes Laravel 8 so special and why you should consider upgrading your projects to it.

Jetstream - A New Tailwind CSS based Starter Kit

One of the most significant additions to Laravel 8 is Jetstream, a new starter kit that comes with everything you need to get started with your Laravel project. Jetstream is based on Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to create custom UI designs.

Jetstream provides two authentication options - Livewire and Inertia. Livewire is a full-stack framework for building dynamic interfaces in Laravel using Alpine.js, while Inertia is a framework-agnostic library for building single-page applications (SPAs) using Vue.js or React.

Jetstream also includes some other helpful features such as team management, profile updates, two-factor authentication, and API support.

Improved Routing Features

In Laravel 8, you can now define multiple route files, each with its own prefix, domain, middleware, and namespace. This feature is useful when you want to organize your routes based on functionality or when you want to separate your API routes from your web routes.

Laravel 8 also comes with a new Route caching feature that improves the performance of your application by reducing the time it takes to load the routes. When you enable route caching, Laravel compiles all your application's routes into a single file, which makes the route registration process much faster.

Enhanced Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is a popular technique used to control the number of requests made to an API or a web application. Laravel 8 introduces a new rate limiting feature that provides a more granular control over your application's rate limits.

With Laravel 8's rate limiting feature, you can set rate limits based on IP addresses, authenticated users, or API tokens. You can also define custom rate limiting strategies based on your application's specific needs.

Laravel Fortify

Laravel Fortify is another new feature that comes with Laravel 8. It's a backend authentication system that provides a set of pre-built authentication components that you can use to create custom login and registration pages in your application.

Laravel Fortify also includes two-factor authentication support, which makes your application more secure by requiring users to provide a second factor of authentication in addition to their password.

Better Maintenance Mode

Maintenance mode is a feature in Laravel that allows you to put your application into a maintenance mode when you need to perform updates or maintenance tasks. In Laravel 8, the maintenance mode has been improved with a new configuration file that makes it easier to customize the maintenance page.

You can now define your own custom view for the maintenance page, which means you can add your own branding or design to the page. You can also specify which IP addresses are allowed to access the application while it's in maintenance mode.

New Blade Components

Blade is Laravel's built-in template engine that makes it easy to create HTML templates for your web application. In Laravel 8, Blade has been updated with new components that make it even easier to build custom UI components.