Hi guys this is  my new blog for laravel development , One of My Friend having trouble with understanding of the laravel Framework So I decided to create one blog so many friend will learn from my blog  .

I will try my best to explain all the content  related  to the Laravel Framework , so let's get started.............................................................

Tell me about Laravel freamwork

Laravel is open source PHP freamwork which is easy to learn and understand .
It follows a model-view-controller design patteren . Laravel will reuses the existing components of freamwork which helps in creaing web application.

The larael offers a rich set f functionalities which incorporate thebasic feature of the php freamworks like CodeIgniter . If you familiar with the core php and the advance php Laravel willmake your task easy. It will save lot of time
if you planinng to develop a website from the scratch.


Laravel offers more functionality which will help to create scalable and easy to maintaince website. It includes namespacesand interfaces, thus helps to organize and manage resources.

COMPOSER -: Composer is a tools which includes all the dependencies and libraries. It allows a user to create a project with respect to the laravel.

ARTISAN -: Command line interface is used in the laravel is called Artisan. It includes set of commands which assists in building a web application.

Feature of Laravel

Larvel offer the following key features which makes it an ideal designing web application.

*Configuration Management
*Query Builder and ORM
*Schema Builder
*Templete Engine


For managing dependecies aravel uses composer , make sure you have a composer install in to your system. Here you will learn how to install the aravel into your system with the help of composer.

Step 1-: visit he composer official website to ownload and instal the composer into your system.

Step 2-: After the composer check the composer using the composer command in the CMD .

Step 3-: Create new directory in anywhere your system , After that new command to install the laravel.

Composer create-project laravel/laravel –p

The above command will instal the laravel in the current ddirectory Start the Laravel service by execute thefollowing command.

Php artisan serve

For more information please visit the official laravewebsite.